Hand-stitched . Durable . Refined
There is a story as old as the Bushveld itself. Well, maybe not that old, but just as steadfast, just as ready to make a lasting impression - the story of the Mark of a Legend.
This story was dreamt up by Flippie Frost. A game farmer from the heart of the Limpopo bushveld, who decided his creativity is no match for his dreams. Kicking off in 2019, Flippie launched his range of premium leather goods including handbags, laptop bags, diaper bags, belts and wallets, to a small number of clients.
His bespoke range quickly became more popular, proudly carried by customers, eliciting conversations and compliments wherever they went. His unique take on hand made craftsmanship, and attention to detail made his work stand out above all others.
In 2020 he was already outgrowing his workshop, and soon had to get even more hands on board to cope with the growing demand for his unique leather range.
In 2022 Mark of Legend also added a range of handcrafted vellies to their range - a low cut velskoen, a high cut velskoen as well as a boot, both for ladies and gents.

“For us, the look of the finished product is just as important as the construction of it. After all, our products are meant to be worn and displayed. Using the tools, materials and techniques of hand-stitching allow us to make very deliberate choices when we design a piece. The size and type of thread we use along with the stitch size and technique help to contribute to the overall aesthetic of a product. So when you combine the time, durability and refined aesthetic of a hand-stitched piece, it is easy to see that hand-stitched products are meant to last a lifetime.”
Since then Flippie and his highly trained team have been creating an even wider range in a workshop that has now been expanded, staying true to their mission - to create quality leather goods, made in the heart of the bushveld, stamped with the Mark of Legend.